Saturday, April 5, 2008

Audi Motorsport going Green

Amoung the speakers at the recent MIA Cleaner Racing Conference, Ulrich Baretsky of Audi and Patrick Symonds of Renault F1 shared the view which Baretsky said
" ..that our industry cannot stand idly behind the arguement that we are a minor contributor. Perception as they say, is reality and unless motorsport is seen to be part of the solution it will be considered part of the problem." and "the OEMs have alot of money and alot of fear but no solutions".

The MIA's Chris Aylett pointed out that " in the last decade, the cost of fuel in the US has trebled and in the UK it now costs eight times as much." He also quoted a discussion with a CIA officer that pointed out "..the war in the Middle East is the first where the US is funding both sides through its dependence on Iraqi oil."

The use of bio-derived fuels was discussed largely and Lord Drayson who gave up a British government job to go racing went in depth on his reasons for competing with Bioethanol.
Pat Symonds voiced the use of first generation bio fuels on a large scale could not be justified due to the effects on food production vs the miniscule savings.
Richard Karlstetter of Shell Racing Solutions revealed that the 08 WRC will be using what is known as 2nd Gen Bioethanol produced by the biomass to liquid process.

Judging from the motorsport heads and advocates for ecosystem impact the MIAs Cleaner Racing Forum will become a serious annual event to voice how the motorsport industry can improve positive conservation and changes geared through realistic goals aimed at showing the world how Motorsports Racing standards will be the future of how cars can be powered and cleaned up without losing the thrill and excitement of this 100 yr old sport.

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